Blog | 8 Simple Strategies To Improve Free To Paid Conversion Rate | 05 September, 2024

8 Simple Strategies To Improve Free To Paid Conversion Rate

Improve Free to paid conversion rate

Businesses and customers aren't always on the same page during the free trial period. A company's goal is to introduce all the essential features of its product so that the user chooses to convert into a paid customer by the end of the trial period. However, the user may be looking for an immediate solution to a problem using the product.

Since users aren't looking for a long-term commitment, showcasing essential features doesn't necessarily impress them. Instead, businesses should focus on making customers feel that they can't go back to operations without the tool when the trial ends.

Are you wondering how to improve free to paid conversion rate? Quest Labs AI is here to share simple yet effective strategies to convert free trial users into paying customers by helping them recognize your product value.

What is a Free Trial Conversion Rate?

Businesses' free trial conversion rates are the percentage of their users who convert to a premium subscription after a free trial. Understanding this rate rate allows businesses to determine whether the trial experience is effective or not. If it isn’t, they can focus on optimizing their strategies to better match user interests.

Free Trial Conversion Rate

What is a Good Free Trial Conversion Rate?

What is a reasonable conversion rate? The benchmark for conversion rates in different industries and models is different. For example, in B2C, the free to paid conversion rate SaaS benchmark is 15 percent, and in B2B, it’s 25 percent. If your conversion rate is over 30 percent, you’re already doing a great job converting users.

Strategies to Improve Free Trial Conversion Rate

Let’s learn how to build a practical free to paid conversion strategy with Quest Labs AI.

1. Personalization in Customer Onboarding

Businesses go the extra mile to create memorable customer onboarding experiences. Still, 90% of customers think that businesses could do better in guiding them through onboarding. Quest Labs AI exceeds customers' expectations by personalizing the onboarding experience like no other. But how does Quest Labs AI help personalize onboarding to improve the free to paid app conversion rate?

But how does Quest Labs AI help personalize onboarding to improve the free to paid app conversion rate?

The onboarding process starts with a quiz that directs the user's path through intelligent routing. Users then proceed through features and modules that match their industries and interests. Right from the onset, Quest Labs collects user preferences to let them access the right features and offer them a refined product experience.

By integrating onboarding tools developed by Quest, a CRM onboarding software was able to reduce 40% of customer queries owing to a smooth onboarding process.

2. Enhancing Product Value Perception

Businesses often focus on showcasing product features that resonate with users based on their preferences. However, Quest encourages businesses also to convey the benefits users achieve from these features through user experience.

Here’s how top free trial examples improve the product value perception.

  • Storytelling and Use Cases:

    Use compelling storytelling to convey the benefits of paid subscriptions effectively. It's important to show how your customers have benefited from your premium offerings.

  • Feature Highlights in Context:

    Quest helps businesses deliver notifications and updates through a non-disruptive snack bar. When a user reaches the free plan limitation, they get timely notifications without interruption. Moreover, through targeted messaging, businesses can convey the relevant perks of a premium tier effectively.

  • Comparison Charts:

    It's essential for businesses to differentiate the free and premium offerings clearly. By understanding users' pain points, Quest highlights relevant premium features that lead to better outcomes.

3. Optimizing the Trial Experience

It's essential for businesses to make the trial experience straightforward to increase trial to paid conversion rate. Here are some top conversion strategy examples to optimize the trial experience.

  • Optimal Trial Length:
  • The ideal length of SaaS free trial conversion rate is around 14 to 30 days. This duration, though small, gives users enough time to understand the product and creates a sense of urgency.

    Benefits of Personalization
  • Simplify the Sign-up:
  • Businesses should adopt a simple sign-up process as it reduces friction and abandonment. Quest makes sure that the sign-up process is both simple and valuable beyond the initial login.

  • Goal-Oriented User Flow:
  • Through guided progression, Quest presents users with a series of tasks and tutorials for product features. Moreover, the 'Achievement tracking' feature helps users to track their progress.

  • Early Value Realization:
  • Quest highlights actions that lead to immediate value and encourages users to explore more. With a regularly updated in-app carousel, businesses can introduce features and use cases that demonstrate their product's versatility.

4. Strategic Communication Throughout the Customer Journey

Here’s how Quest Labs AI implements effective communication throughout the customer journey to improve user engagement.

  • In-app Messages:

    Quest provides users with alerts and notifications that provide user-centric information whenever necessary. These messages update users about new features and help improve the user experience.

  • Notification Top Banner:

    Quest enables businesses to inform users of critical updates instantly with top notification banners. These high-visibility banners prioritize information and updates that require immediate attention.

  • Milestone Congratulatory Messages:

    Through Quest integration, businesses can effortlessly congratulate users on achieving a particular level or using a specific feature.

  • Renewal Reminder and Upgrade Prompt:

    Businesses can encourage users to upgrade to premium through renewal reminders or prompts. Quest enhances these reminders by mentioning the benefits of the premium subscription rather than merely introducing it.

5. Utilizing Data and Feedback

User feedback helps businesses understand the user's experience and improve their services accordingly. Quest Labs AI can structure the feedback collection process and help customers feel valued.

  • Inline Feedback Prompts:

    Quest Labs AI helps businesses understand user sentiments by gathering insights into their experiences.

  • User Suggestions:

    To make users feel valued, we encourage users to suggest features and businesses to convert their ideas into actions.

  • Actionable Outcomes:

    To make user suggestions a key to product development, Quest Labs AI tags and tracks them carefully.

A data analytics SaaS platform improved user retention by increasing subscription renewals by 25%. They used Quest's structured user feedback to understand user expectations. Quests’ analysis of user sentiments helped businesses optimize their strategies effectively.

6. Pricing and Payment Flexibility

Payment Flexibility in free trials

Here’s how flexible plans improve free to paid conversion rate.

  • Flexible Payment Plans:

    Monthly or quarterly payments ensure that products are accessible to customers who cannot afford expensive ones.

  • Transparent Pricing:

    By being transparent about the pricing, users recognize the product value and make quick purchasing decisions.

  • Market Segmentation:

    Quest enables user segmentation to offer different pricing tiers for individual market segments. Thus, businesses can improve trial to paid conversion rates through pricing tiers that appeal to each user segment.

7. Implementing Targeted Upselling Techniques

Harvard Business Review explains that businesses must spend 5 to 25 times more on acquiring new customers than on retaining current users. If you still feel upselling is a daunting task, try Quest's upselling hacks.

  • Contextual Upselling:

    Quest ensures that businesses offer upsells when users are most likely to see the value. For instance, when the feature limit is about to expire, users are more likely to convert to a paid trial.

  • Personalized Recommendations:

    Quest understands user preferences through user feedback and customer satisfaction surveys. This data makes it easier for businesses to offer personalized feature recommendations for individual users.

  • Feature Unlocking:

    It's ideal for businesses to let users enjoy premium features temporarily during the trial period so that they understand the full capability of the product.

  • Gamification:

    Quest's gamification elements helped an Electronics Marketplace improve user session time by 25%. Consequently, gamification improved the potential for upselling.

8. Reducing Friction in the Conversion Process

Why do users abandon shopping carts
  • Optimize Forms:

    Around 81% of users abandon a signup form after they start to fill it out. Therefore, simplifying the forms used during the signup should be the top priority. For instance, they can use auto-fill where possible and validate form inputs in real time.

  • Clarify Upgrade Paths:

    It's important that businesses make the upgrade path from free to paid trial clear and straightforward for users. For instance, they can offer direct links or buttons to upgrade.

  • 24/7 Support:

    Quest offers 24/7 AI-powered user assistance during the conversion process and ensures to resolve any issues they might face instantly.

Factors That Contribute to A Good Free Trial Conversion Rate

1. Annual Contract Value

Annual Contract Value (ACV) is the average annual revenue from a customer contract without the one-time fees. By knowing ACV, SaaS businesses can understand whether their contract is valuable over a year.

Annual Contact Value

When a business has committed customers and products that deliver great value, it enjoys higher ACV. A higher ACV indicates that the business focuses on enhancing users' free trial experience to improve the free trial to paid conversion rate.

2. Free Trial Models

An opt-in free trial has less friction to paid conversion as users' payment details are collected beforehand. For an opt-out free trial, users continue as paid users due to inertia, as opting out requires a conscious action. Therefore, it’s clearly evident that the trial model impacts the free-to-paid conversion.

Free Trial Models

3. Sales-Assisted Vs Self-Service

Sales-assisted interactions provide personalized guidance and answers to customer queries. Sales-assisted services can make the user experience better and lead to improved conversion rates.

With self-service, businesses can reach more customers cost-effectively. Moreover, self-service platforms make customer support available around the clock.

SaaS Free Trial Best Practices

Trials are the best way to let your product sell itself. Here are the SaaS free trial best practices to improve free to paid conversion rate.

3 best practices of SaaS free trials

1. Ensure The Signup Is Simple:

A simple signup process reduces friction. It encourages users to explore a product fast. At the same time, complicated signups cause users to leave before they even see the product's value.

  • Minimize Required Fields:

    To get users started, ask only for essential info, like name and email. You can collect more details later.

  • No Credit Card Requirement:

    Don’t ask for payment details upfront. This lowers barriers and encourages more users to start the trial.

  • Progress Indicators:

    If your signup process has multiple steps, show a progress bar. It helps users see how close they are to finishing

2. Add Social Proof

Social proof helps businesses build trust and credibility. Show how others benefit from your product to influence new users. New users are more likely to commit to the paid version when they see the value.

  • Customer Testimonials:

    Show quotes from happy customers on the signup page to reassure new users of your product's value.

  • Case Studies:

    Include short case studies highlighting how others have successfully used your product.

  • User Count Display:

    Display the number of active users who have signed up to emphasize its trustworthiness.

3. AI User Segmentation

AI user segmentation uses artificial intelligence to analyze user behavior and preferences. This creates distinct segments and allows personalized marketing.

  • Targeted Onboarding:

    AI segments users based on their behavior and helps you offer a personalized onboarding experience.

  • Personalized Content Recommendations:

    AI analyzes user data to suggest features that fit individual preferences during the trial.

  • Adaptive Trial Periods:

    AI adjusts trial lengths based on user activity and offers extended trials to highly engaged users to encourage conversion.


Businesses need to understand users in depth to improve free to paid conversion rate. Moreover, they need to employ the right strategies to make users benefit significantly from the product.

Quest Labs AI starts collecting user information right from onboarding and directs them to all the features that they will love using. This way, users realize the value of your product very early in their trial period. Quest guides users throughout the trial period and makes sure that their experience with your product is exceptional.

Quest structures feedback collection through timely surveys. With the user data, Quest helps you understand what strategies work and what doesn't with customers. With insights from these surveys, you can optimize your strategies further to achieve the free to paid conversion rate benchmark.

Unlike traditional methods, which focus on simply introducing product features, Quest focuses on determining users' needs, offering personalized guidance, and helping them understand how they can't be as effective without your product.

Still unsure if Quest Labs AI is the right solution for your concerns about improving users' trial experience? Book a demo and talk to us to see if we can develop a personalized strategy for your concerns.

Try Quest Labs Now!


1. What is a free trial marketing strategy?

Free trial marketing is a popular strategy businesses use to attract and convert potential customers. It lets people try a product or service for free for a limited time, so they can see if it’s right for them before buying.

2. What is paid strategy?

A paid advertising strategy is when a business uses paid channels to reach specific audiences based on demographics and interests. The channels it chooses and the types of ads it uses to shape its paid strategy.

3. What Is a free trial email?

Free trial email marketing introduces potential customers to your product and company. It helps them learn about the product and get the most out of their trial.

4. What is a conversion strategy marketing?

A conversion strategy encourages a viewer to take the next step with your business. For example, you can use a pop-up when someone tries to leave a webpage without taking action.

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